MOSES, WILLIAM (Gwilym Tew o Lan Tâf, or Gwilym Tew, 1742 - 1824), poet

Name: William Moses
Pseudonym: Gwilym Tew O Lan Tâf, Gwilym Tew
Date of birth: 1742
Date of death: 1824
Gender: Male
Occupation: poet
Area of activity: Poetry
Author: Moelwyn Idwal Williams

Born 1742 at Merthyr Tydfil, Glamorganshire. Compelled to work for a livelihood from an early age, he received only seven months' instruction at school. He strove to educate himself in the art of writing poetry against almost insurmountable difficulties. He was, for example, for the greater part of his life without a Welsh grammar or dictionary; but imbued with a love for his native tongue and inspired by a natural bent he succeeded in writing many creditable verses in Welsh on various subjects. In 1808 he published his first volume of poems and in 1824, just before his death, a second edition was published entitled Caingc y Gog; neu amryw gyfansoddiadau ar wahanol destunauyn ym cynnwys cynghorion, myfyrdodau, galarnadau, annerchiadau, etc. (J. James, Merthyr Tydfil). He died 27 November 1824 at Merthyr Tydfil.


Published date: 1959

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